A Weekend in Pictures

This past Monday was Memorial Day here in the US of A.  That meant a three day weekend for The Mister.  The weather wasn’t the greatest but it was still a nice relaxing weekend.

the tulip house allium clematis kabobs strawberry and peach shortcake toes

Memorial Day, in case you don’t live in the States, is a day set aside to remember those who lost their lives while serving in our military.  It’s traditional to put out a flag in honor of those lost and it’s also traditional to barbecue.  Despite the dreary gray sky, The Mister and I did cook out on our grill.  And, for dessert I made a yummy delicious strawberry and peach shortcake.  I love peaches!  I love shortcake made with sweet biscuits!  I just macerated sliced fresh peaches and strawberries in about 1/8 cup of sugar for 30 minutes or so,  served them over sweet biscuits, and topped them with lightly sweetened whipped cream.  I followed Betty Crocker’s recipe for Sweet Milk Biscuits, to which I added a couple of tablespoons of sugar.  They are made with oil and take like 5 minutes to throw together.

The Mister and I also managed to watch two movies, Silver Linings Playbook, and Django Unchained.  They were both pretty good.  I normally don’t go out of my way to watch a Quentin Tarantino film, in fact, I usually go out of my way to Not watch one of his films.  But, I knew The Mister wanted to see it and I like Jamie Foxx, and quite frankly it looked interesting, so I figured why not.  It wasn’t bad, however, as usual the gun play and violence was over the top.  Oh Quentin, will you ever grow up?

I also got a pedicure, gotta get those feet ready for summer!  In addition there was lots of playing in the yard and at the playground with Little Bug.  I got a few annuals and did some potting.  The Mister mowed the lawns and cleaned the gutters.  Both my Alliums and my Clematis are blooming and looking lovely!  And that was our weekend.

In other news, I’ve got four more pieces of jewelry photographed and ready to list in my Etsy store.  And, I celebrated a birthday this week so I’m planning to do a giveaway!  Hope to get that posted before the week is over.


One Response

  1. Rebecca Dilello
    Rebecca Dilello June 2, 2013 at 5:36 pm | | Reply

    Nice post; the flowers are lovely and the food looks yummy.

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