A Tiresome Week

Warning, I’m going to talk about poop!

Dirty Snowman

I thought we might make it through this ridiculously cold and long winter with no one in The Tulip House getting sick, but alas, this week both Little Bug and I came down with a case of the cooties and now they’ve moved on to The Mister.  And while I’m feeling much better now, I’m still exhausted because my cold was followed by another bout of Little Bug’s constipation/refusal to poop.  I expect most folks don’t want to hear about toddler poop, but I can’t tell you how unpleasant it is when your child refuses to go #2….for days.  The past three days have been spent waiting for a certain someone to go to the bathroom and listening to a lot of crying.  Three days may not seem like a long time but it is for this little boy who up until recently, has gone atleast once a day, everyday, for the past 2 years. Hoping the drought ends today as my sanity is being tested!

So, needless to say, I have worked on jewelry a total of ZERO hours this week. :(

A couple of good things this week, I sold a Cocktail Ring, and we had 3 days of decent, one might even say Spring-like weather!

(Of course we got snow too!)  I’ve been wanting to show Little Bug how to make a snowman all winter, but we haven’t gotten any packing snow.  Then on Wednesday we got an ice storm, followed by a snow storm.  This made for really wet snow.  So, yesterday,  I dragged Little Bug outside with me, determined to make us a snowman.  Turns out Mr. Snowman is more of an iceman and not a very pretty one, dirty snow is so un-photogenic.  But I got it done, my one accomplishment for the week!

One Response

  1. Rebecca Dilello
    Rebecca Dilello March 17, 2014 at 12:42 pm | | Reply

    Cute post, and as Mr. Snowman melts I hope that the poops are regular once again.

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