Last week my little Bug turned 18 months old. I took a bunch of pics of him to mark the occasion, so without further ado, here he is, in all his glory.
At the Sled Hill
A Visit to Red Mango
Here are his Stats as of today.
Favorite color: Red
Favorite things to do: Sweep, Ride around on daddy’s back saying Mo, mo, mo (more,) Play with flashlights, remotes, measuring tapes, and keys, Build and Dismantle towers with his big lego blocks.
Favorite foods: Cheese, Scrambled Egg, Blueberries, Cheese, Strawberries, Clementines, Pears, Cheese, Applesauce, Yogurt, and Cheese.
Vocabulary: Momma, Dada, More, Oh No!, Ut Oh!, Red, Light, Applesauce, and Move!, (as in move out of the way dog!) (he might have heard mommy say that a few times.)
He is in the 90th percentile for height and the 50th for weight. He has 6 teeth and doesn’t seem to be interested in growing any more of them. He sleeps 11-12 hours a night and (God willing,) takes 2 naps a day.
: )
Little Bug is adorable.
love little bug!